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FNX Bathrooms

The Company

FNX Bathrooms started as wholesale plumbing merchants in 1986, but they came to a point when they realised that selling online could be a great opportunity for the business. They were amongst the first wave of people to join eBay.

During the early days, every process was completed manually. There were a lot of ours used, or should we say unnecessarily lost, in the manual process of folding A4 order sheets, filling out Royal Mail signed for books, stamping envelopes and applying numerous stickers to parcels. Plus, the seemingly inevitable slog of entering a lot of data manually into courier systems.

The Challenge

As a company that now has a number of sales channels including Amazon, eBay and Magento, it became a massive, time-consuming task ensuring all orders were shipped and then marked as dispatched. Especially as this had to be done on each individual site.

With sales constantly increasing, they needed a way to eliminate all of the manual processes involved with getting orders dispatched so they could keep up with their growing online presence.

The Solution

“As a whole, it gave us solutions to problems we didn’t even realise we had!”

Looking for a central hub of information for all orders housed under one roof, where there were no crossovers, FNX Bathroom started using Zenstores. It not only provided that solution but also much more.

“The tools offered in comparison to Zenstores are still extremely primitive”

They now have all their orders imported into one dashboard, the ability to connect multiple couriers to their Zenstores account, print labels in bulk, and automatically update orders as dispatched on each channel - it’s been invaluable to FNX Bathrooms.

By using flags they can filter and search through their orders easily, helping them to stay organised and minimise mistakes made during the dispatch process. Merging orders is another key feature for FNX Bathrooms; it frequently saves them money on postage.

The Outcome

“Zenstores has massively streamlined our order processing and saved us a vast amount of man hours by eliminating the manual processes”

FNX Bathrooms have now shipped nearly 500,000 orders through Zenstores. There’s been less mistakes when processing orders, and they’ve been able to significantly reduce their dispatch times.

It’s also helped them to improve their customer service; the customer care team can search for orders without having to log into each marketplace, or ask the customer a multitude of questions to locate the order.

Now that they’ve reclaimed the hours previously spent on their dispatch process, FNX Bathrooms can focus their attentions on increasing their sales and growing the business even more.

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