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Grow your business with eBay. eBay is where the world shops.

About eBay

Expand your selling horizon: eBay is one of the world's largest marketplaces, connecting you with buyers near and far.

Comprehensive seller protection: You’re protected by policies, monitoring, and a customer support team created to keep you and our community safe.

A community of sellers: Connect with other sellers through hosted meet-ups, community forums, seller events, and more.

Zenstores and eBay

eBay was our first integration, and where it all began. Over 100 million orders shipped later, our eBay integration is going stronger than ever. If you sell on eBay there really is no easier way than Zenstores to get orders out of the door and into your customers’ hands exactly when you said you would.

Zenstores imports orders from all of your eBay accounts, so if you sell in the UK and intentionally, you can manage your orders, book shipments and print shipping labels in seconds, for all of your eBay accounts from one place.

Marking orders as dispatched from Zenstores will trigger order status updates you have set up on your eBay account, such as tracking notification emails, SMS etc.

The Zenstores eBay integrations supports:

  • eBay UK accounts
  • International eBay accounts

Built by: Zenstores
Managed by: Zenstores
Support: support@zenstores.com

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